What comes to your mind when you think about India? Is it the unique Bollywood movies? Monkeys interacting with humans?People who look almost identical with one another at a glance?Distinct culture and traditions Indians practice? The wonderful expression of love embodied by the Taj Mahal? Is it the air that’s heavily congested with chaos and the graffiti on the walls?

We paint a picture of India in our own mind. For some, it’s positive. For some, it’s something chaotic and undesirable. If you fall in that first category, good for you. A lot of great experiences await you in India when you decide to choose it as your nextholiday destination. But, if it’s the other way around for youand you’re quite skeptical about this idea, think again after you’ve read the reasons why travel to India could actually be your next dream adventure.

  1. Friendly and Hospitable Locals.

Most of the locals, especially in the rural areas, are kind, friendly, and hospitable. You might even experience being invited to enjoy delicious Indian cuisine in the home of one local.What you get is a warm and spicy meal, warm conversation, andlots of insights about what life is like in India. But you’re not the only who’s able to derive new learnings. Most likely, you get to share to them some insights about your country and hometown.

When you’re visiting another country, or even just another hometown, be sure to talk and interact with the locals. It is what makes your travel more interesting. In fact, it’s not complete without it. It’s one of the best learning experiences you’ll have.

  1. Beaches that Give You a Slice of Paradise.

Beach lovers who visit Asia have probably several destinations in mind. Probably, Maldives is top on the list. Because, just look at it—who would ever deny its beauty? When it comes to beaches, Maldives is probably the winner. But if you’re a beach lover who can’t live without the convenience of your urban lifestyle, Boracay in the Philippines is probably your best choice. There, you get an awesome mix of beach and city. They even have a big shopping mall in the island itself!

Forget about those popular beach destinations for a while though.If you’re a frequent traveler, you’ve probably been there many times. But hey, there’s a lot to discover in India! It’s not all about the earthly color schemes in the major cities and towns. India has a fair share of the tranquilizing ocean blues and lush palm greens in Goa and in the other islands located south of the country. Read more about that in this article.

  1. Incredible Wildlife Adventure.

Asians don’t need to travel that far to experience safari in Africa. You can experience it right here in India. Of course, some may argue that safari in Africa is still unique, rich, andamazing experience, as you camp and wake up in the middle of the wild. But wildlife tours in India are also incredible, especially if you’re very interested in learning about the life and nature of wild animals.

Elephants, monkeys, eagles, tigers—get ready to meet all of them in your next wildlife adventure in India!

  1. Indian Cuisine that’s Gastronomically Addicting.

When you’re on a travel, trying out the country’s local cuisine is always part of the picture. Every town, city, and country have its own distinct set of flavors as a part of its hallmarks. Indianstake pride in their gastronomically addicting local cuisine that’s characterized by meals infused with rich, thick curry pastes and a mix of different herbs and spices. Learn some of those here: https://www.thespruceeats.com/popular-indian-dishes-1957891

Those flavors will surely give your palate some giggly delight as you indulge it with a rich mix of flavors and aroma.

  1. Exotic Art and Architecture.

Artists, architects, engineers, interior designers, and real estate writers: Listen. India’s collection of exotic art and architecture is a feast for the senses that would encourage a sudden rush of creative juices flowing through your veins. When you experience an artist’s block, don’t be afraid to take a break and explore a place you’ve never been. It will give you tons of inspiration that will motivate you to become more productive once you’re back on track.

You can even stay in one of those palaces converted into lavish hotels open for tourists! So how about that?

  1. Taj Mahal as a Beautiful Embodiment of Love.

Taj Mahal is one of the most popular buildings around the world. It’s also one of the most beautiful.However, it’s neither the popularity or the beauty of it that mainly captures the hearts of around seven million people who come to see it each year.

The main reason that compels this influx of visitors isthe story behind it, the reason why it’s there. It’s simply the story that tugs at the heartstrings of people around the world. It’s the story that makes people believe in love. Seeing its proof up close is surely one of the best travel experiences.

  1. Rich History and Culture.

If you’re the kind of person who’s deeply interested about people, country, history, and culture, then, stop burying yourself in those textbooks—head out and bring the learning experience outside the classroom. You’ll get lots of it in India. Firsthand knowledge is always definitely the best option. It’s also one of the best conversation starters in and out of your hometown.Most of all, it’s fun!

Don’t know where to start as you plan your trip to India? Visit India Someday’s website for some great ideas.

  1. It’s Relatively Cheap.

Just save enough for this travel and you’re good to go. Compared to other travel destinations, this one won’t break your bank account savings. India’s cost of living is relatively cheap. Even luxurious accommodations are pretty affordable!

Plan your next travel destination now. India is definitely one of the excellent choices on your list!